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Our Podcast

Radio Kahungunu Podcast

We know that traditional radio is not always where people will turn for their entertainment, especially in this modern area where content on demand seems to where it's at.  So, in order to meet some of that demand we produce a podcast.


The Radio Kahungunu podcast is the place where you can find all the interesting interviews and highlights of what happens on Radio Kahungunu.  We hope that you will find some great content for your listening pleasure.  There's so much to choose from.  So let's have a quick look at what you can find.


Our first example of what you can find are the Tangaroa Piri Whare sessions in which Tatere McCleod and Mātai Smith interview interesting people from around the motu.

Also interesting are the interviews that Rugby League legend Kevin Tāmati conducted with New Zealand sporting celebrities that live locally and internationally.  Any serious sports fans should check this series out.

There are also the mōteatea lessons where you can learn mōteatea from the Kahungunu rohe.

There are also current affairs interviews with Rahina Huata.

Check out the Radio Kahungunu podcast!

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